According to Datuk Shaziman, the government only gave “general instruction” to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to allow all blogs and websites to function provided they adhered to provisions under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 in 2008. Besides that, Datuk Shaziman stated that 127 websites and blogs have been blocked for contravention of various provisions of the act. Moreover, our Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar stated that everyone is subject to the law even websites and blogs, they did not intend to restrain people’s freedom or right to express themselves but sometimes people might publish things that are libelous, slanderous or defamatory and the government will have to take action.
Our Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi had issued a clear warning that anyone who spreads false news on a blog or via SMS (short message system) about the country’s situation will be arrested as a threat to national harmony. Moreover, he also warned that anyone who puts inaccurate information on a blog, website or online portal could be liable and be investigated and arrested if the content troubled national harmony and let the public lose faith in the nation’s economic policies. Our Energy, Water and Communications Minister Lim Keng Yaik stated that bloggers are not above the law for what they publish in cyberspace. “Local bloggers must control the contents of their blogs and be responsible. If the content is seditious, they will have to face the music,” he said.
False or inaccurate information could make people including investors to lose faith in the economy and the country’s development programs. Hey, bloggers… Don’t ever spread false news to people via internet or SMS. You might bring trouble to yourselves. Think carefully before you do so. There is online censorship in Malaysia, remember about it… XD
Feel free to drop your comment here… =)
URL: http://www.marketingvox.com/internet-censorship-strengthens-in-malaysia-kazakhstan-and-other-countries-031803/
URL: http://www.efa.org.au/Issues/Censor/cens3.html
URL: http://advocacy.globalvoicesonline.org/2008/08/30/who-caused-malaysia-today-to-be-blocked/
URL: http://cpj.org/2007/01/prime-minister-attacks-online-critics.php
URL: http://www.asianews.it/view.php?l=en&art=6888